Sunday, November 10, 2013

The students in Costa Rica thank you.

Thank you for everyone that donated to help raise supplies for the students down in Costa Rica.  We were able to raise $400.  I purchased about $100 worth of supplies which I gave to the children.  It was such a humbling experience to watch kids get sooooo excited to each receive 2 pencils and a glue stick.

Being there gave me a great chance to see how long and how much money it is going to take to construct a new school.  The government is very slow moving and construction of the new school is not even on a schedule.  I am beginning to see that the only way that this school is going to be turned around and made into a proper learning experience is from a lot of help from all of us.  This is just the beginning.

Here is pictures of the two classrooms.  No walls and no floor.  Imagine what happens during the rainy season.  Next fund raiser will start in January.

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