Friday, November 29, 2013

Ferncreek Elementary

This year I have decided to raise money and supplies for Ferncreek Elementary.  This school is right in my neighborhood.   I find it crazy that 20-25% of their students are homeless and 90-95% of the students are eligible for Free / Reduced lunch. 

Please click on the link below and read what they need.  I will collect any food or clothing you want to donate.  Simply contact me and I will schedule a way to pick it up from you.

Here is a link to where you can donate.

I plan on doing my first drop off to the school on December 9th.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Giving what you can

When I first started I was blogging everyday and giving out money each day.  My life and thoughts on how to go about giving every day has changed since then.  I am still giving everyday, but in a different ways.  My time I spent blogging and spreading the word of giving has been shifted to just giving back to the community.  I still would like to spread the word, but am putting this on the back burner as I feel the act of giving out weighs the act of spreading the word.

There is a time in our life when we have to give back to our close ones, our family, our friends, and yes even ourselves.  Sometimes this balance can be out of whack.  If we concentrate on giving everything we have out to others we begin to find frustration in ourselves.  Everyone needs to find sometime to give to ourselves.  Second, we have the people that need us.  We sometimes need to give our time to help out these people.

I have been working on bigger ideas.  As the holidays come around the corner, I am trying to organize more towards giving to the school down in Costa Rica and also trying to give more towards local schools.  I will keep you posted on some of the upcoming events shortly.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

The students in Costa Rica thank you.

Thank you for everyone that donated to help raise supplies for the students down in Costa Rica.  We were able to raise $400.  I purchased about $100 worth of supplies which I gave to the children.  It was such a humbling experience to watch kids get sooooo excited to each receive 2 pencils and a glue stick.

Being there gave me a great chance to see how long and how much money it is going to take to construct a new school.  The government is very slow moving and construction of the new school is not even on a schedule.  I am beginning to see that the only way that this school is going to be turned around and made into a proper learning experience is from a lot of help from all of us.  This is just the beginning.

Here is pictures of the two classrooms.  No walls and no floor.  Imagine what happens during the rainy season.  Next fund raiser will start in January.